Multiples was originally created to aid in completing a math game called Digits. In this game, you were given 9 numbers and had to use different math operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), or division (/) to create the target number.
After playing a few times, I realized that knowing the multiples of the target number would allow me to find intermediate numbers. These intermediate number would then allow me to get the target number.
Next, I decided to create the multiplication table tool. This was created just for fun, however, hopefully this helps someone someday as well.
I wanted this site to be super simple to build and deploy. To meet this requirement I used:
- Docker
- Javascript (VanillaJS), HTML, & CSS
- Firebase Hosting
The biggest challenge was deploying on Firebase Hosting. This ended up being simple thanks to the Firebase Hosting documentation
- Created a super simple site that is easy to update and deploy
What’s Next
- Possibly add additional math tools
- Consider changing the domain to something more general like