Book Search
Book Search was an assignment given to test my coding prowess. It did not sound particularly difficult, although there were aspects that I knew I had to learn to successfully complete it. Find out more below!
- Users can type in a query and display a list of books matching that query.
- Each item in the list should include the book’s:
- author
- title
- publishing company
- a picture of the book
- Link to more information about the book
- could be on a page within your application
- or link out to an external site
- Learning how to use the Google books API to solve the requirements
- Testing all functions in a Test Driven Development Approach
- Coded a Single Page App (SPA) purely in HTML, CSS, & JS (Vanilla/no framework or libraries)
- Setup testing and created 99% test coverage
- Custom designed and implemented application and logo
- Pointed site to custom domain
- Styled for responsive displaying
- Positive feedback given on assignment 😊
What’s Next
- It’s all done!
- Although, I have no plans to update it. There is no telling what the future holds. No software is ever truly done!
- Every once in awhile, I’ll check the visit stats.