Linux File Permissions


Linux File Permissions

Confession of a Web Dev: File Permissions

As a web developer, I rarely deal with Linux file permissions. It's a simple concept, but the specifics are easy to forget. This recently became clear when I was setting up Git with an SSH key. The default permissions allowed anyone in my group to modify the key file, which caused Git to reject it (security first, I guess!).

A quick web search (minus the AI) led me to this helpful blog post: "Getting to Know Linux File Permissions" by It provided a clear explanation that refreshed my memory and got me back on track.


  • Use ls -l to view file permissions
    • The returned structure is [fileType][filePermissions] [numberOfLinks] [ownerName] [groupName] [fileSizeInBytes] [date] [file]
    • Example -rw-r--r-- 1 owner1 staff 675 Feb 8 19:10 package.json
  • File Permissions sections
    • [filePermissions] === [user][group][others] === rwxrwxrwx
  • File permissions (or mode) is modified with chmod command using:
    • Absolute Mode (or Binary Representation):
      • Use octal digit (digits 0-7) for each section
        • Each octal digit can be broken down into binary with value ranging
        • Examples:
          • Binary value of 000 for [user] is chmod 000 package.json and means the user has no permissions for the given file
          • Binary value of 001 for [user] is chmod 100 package.json and means the user has execute permissions and can run the given file
          • Binary value of 010 for [user] is chmod 200 package.json and means the user has write permissions and can change the given file
          • Binary value of 011 for [user] is chmod 300 package.json and means the user has write and execute permissions and can change and run the given file
          • Binary value of 100 for [user] is chmod 400 package.json and means the user has read permissions and can view the contents for the given file
          • Binary value of 101 for [user] is chmod 500 package.json and means the user has read and execute permissions and can view the contents for and execute the given file
          • Binary value of 110 for [user] is chmod 600 package.json and means the user has read and write permissions and can view the contents for and change the contents of the given file
          • Binary value of 111 for [user] is chmod 700 package.json and means the user has read, write, and execute permissions and can view the contents for, change the contents of, and run the given file
    • Symbolic Mode:
      • Use characters u, g, or o for each section
      • Able to add permission (+), remove permission (-), or copy permissions (=)
      • Examples:
        • chmod o+r package.json adds read permissions for others for the given file
        • chmod g+w package.json adds write permissions for the group for the given file
        • chmod u+x package.json adds execute permissions for the user for the given file
        • chmod u+rwx package.json adds read, write, and execute permissions for the user for the given file
        • chmod g=u package.json copy the user's permissions to the group's permissions for the given file

Additional Reference

View the Manual pages for more details